The pandemic was a giant nationwide pilot program for telehealth and crash course in telehealth implementation. Now, ten months later, is the time to assess, revise, and build processes that support virtual care.
Healthcare was forced into virtual care. It was coming slowly, but the pandemic made it an instant must-have. Finding out how to best meet your customer and patient needs is challenging in an environment that changes daily. The public health emergency changed every simple task in order to prevent spread of COVID-19. Touch-less and contactless became a key word in describing transactions and interactions to stay virus free. The fear of catching the virus is still responsible for patients not getting preventive care. The result is a consumer who expects touch-less and safe healthcare.
What has been the consumers’ experience with telehealth? Multiple factors including accessibility, ease of use, technical capability, cost, and convenience that go into deciding if virtual care is a clear go-to option for patients.

Judy Chan, MPH
Founder, HealthPro Consulting
Healthcare Consumer Advisor (Ingenium)
Judy has been the founder and president of HealthPro Consulting for over 25 years. HealthPro Consulting helps organizations improve care delivery to the diverse new healthcare consumer and local communities. Judy works with organizations to be more competitive through innovation with today’s non-traditional healthcare companies.
She now offers clients a new approach that uses sentient factors to formulate strategy quickly in today’s disruptive and volatile environment. Strategy can be developed in less than a week and implemented immediately.
An expert in the healthcare consumer, Judy explains why healthcare is deeply affected by the consumer’s behavior, and how healthcare companies can create a great consumer-centric experience in her book, The Patient Paradigm Shifts: Profiling the New Healthcare Consumer.
Judy has a BS with honors in public health from the University of California, Berkeley, and a master’s in public health (MPH) biostatistics and health planning analysis from the University of Hawaii.