This session is highlighting what’s happening across the pond concerning Digital Health. Due to very different national regulative scenario’s in the 27 member states the EU perspective is a fragmented one and significant, international cross boarder activities providing digital care have developed.
Several examples of leading digital health platforms reaching from national initiatives to international, even global players in Telehealth will be discussed.
In addition, a little deeper dive into the recently fast developing Digital Health Strategy in Germany, a country with a highly regulated healthcare system in central Europe with 16 federal states, that started the legislative and regulative digital care journey comparably late (2019).

Oliver Wagner,
Owner Dr. Wagner Consulting
Digital Health Strategy Advisor (EU) (Ingenium)
Dr. Wagner is surgical specialist and has a track record of more than 30-years of international experience in the healthcare services industry covering clinical medicine, management consulting as well as executive strategic and operational work in different healthcare ventures throughout the industry.
After his medical training on three continents and his postgraduate clinical training in hospitals of all care levels Dr. Wagner gained experience in leading positions in international healthcare consulting and as CMO of a leading hospital group in Germany. In the following years, he obtained extensive experience in corporate leadership as shareholder, CEO and managing director of operating and holding companies for hospitals, outpatient surgery centers and private specialized clinics in several European countries. Due to his concurrent activity as deputy chairman of the supervisory board of a listed company he is also familiar with corporate governance topics.